Spring Meat Shoot
There will be 16, 20, 24, 27 yard fields plus games.
$5.00 per round.
Beginners get a prize if they have no wins on a ticket.
Food will be available for purchase.
The shoot will consist of four 30-bird events: a 24 yard draw doodah, 27 yard draw regular, 24 yard buddy continental doodah and a 27 yard buddy regular. Fees are $40.00 per event, per team. Payout will be one in five, up to five places. A HOA option of $5.00 will be available, must shoot all four events, payout will be 50%, 30% and 20% for the top three HOA scores. A raffle with great prizes will be held.
This is a fun shoot that is open to everyone. The benefits of this shoot go to support PVA members who participate in shooting sports. Signup starts at 9:00, shooting from 10:00-4:00, cost is $5.00 per game.
90 Bird Draw Backer
Open to all shooters. $15.00 entry fee. Starting time is 6:00 pm, call the clubhouse if you may be late. Three 30 bird events (24-yard continental do-da backer, 24-yard do-da backer, and 27-yard regular backer), each with different partners.
60 Bird 3 Person Backer
Open to all shooters. $15.00 entry fee. Starting time is 6:00 pm, call the clubhouse if you may be late. Two 30 bird events (27-yard do-da backer with your buddies, and a 24-yard do-da backer with draw partners).